Tuesday 1 December 2015

Class Management


Classroom management is the essential teaching skill. Teachers cannot teach and students cannot learn in a classroom plagued with disruptions. Proactive classroom management is based on organizing the classroom in ways that create a positive physical and emotional environment. 

Proactive teachers establish routines, lessons, and disciplinary strategies that teach students self-control. As students take more responsibility for their learning and behavior, teachers spend less time correcting misbehavior. Less attention to discipline concerns translates into more time for teaching and learning. 

Good classroom management is a cornerstone of effective teaching. The challenge is to keep your students engaged in your lessons, and to maintain the harmonious culture that keeps them wanting to learn and accepting discipline.


The teacher must be able to observe all students at all times and to monitor work and behavior. The teacher should also be able to see the door from his or her desk.
Frequently used areas of the room and traffic lanes should be unobstructed and easily accessible.

Students should be able to see the teacher and presentation area without undue turning or movement.

Commonly used classroom materials, e.g., books, attendance pads, absence permits, and student reference materials should be readily available.
Some degree of decoration will help add to the attractiveness of the room.


1)  Know your students and help them get to know each   other

Take the time to find out more about your students and understand the circumstances they face in their own lives. Place yourself in their shoes as best you can. By understanding them and their needs, you will be able to teach them more effectively.
Use age-appropriate activities to allow students to  learn each other's names and share something about themselves. 

Fostering these connections from the start of the year promotes greater empathy between students, and therefore fewer conflicts and disruptions.
Let your students know you too. The more comfortable the students feel with you, the more likely they are to trust you.

2. Create a positive classroom environment

Building a sense of community in your class encourages your students to care for and look out for one another. Compliment the class as a whole when they achieve something. Make students feel like they matter by allowing them to have input in its layout and design, and giving them some responsibilities in the classroom. For example, get students to write some banners and charts that go on the walls.

Be sure to smile and greet your students each day. Try not to raise your voice, as this often causes students to switch off or become resentful. Instead, wait for the class to become quiet – it will eventually grow uncomfortable to the point that students begin to silence each other. 

3. Establish rewards, rules and consequences

At the start of the year, discuss with your students the sort of behaviour that should be expected in the classroom. Allow these discussions to inform the rules that are established, the rewards for upholding them and consequences for breaking them. This is the framework for which you can manage behaviour in your class. It is important now to follow through, so students continue to trust you.

Reinforce good behaviour with praise and rewards that have been agreed upon. Similarly, address behavioural issues quickly in a fair and consistent manner.
Be a positive role model for your students. Your class will learn from what you do, not just what you say. Be pleasant, patient, caring, and open to laughter and fun. 

Smile. Be fair to everyone, acknowledging if an exception has been made for someone. Don’t call on the same students all the time, as this can cause resentment. If issues arise with students or between students, be sure to calmly address them as soon as possible. Approach them quietly, actively listen to what they have to say and avoid acting in a way that may appear confrontational.

4. Have well-prepared, engaging lessons

At the start of the lesson, outline what you are going to teach and the expected learning outcomes. Always over-plan so that students don’t get bored and disruptive. Planning and establishing routines also makes your job easier and helps keep kids on track because they feel safer when they know what to expect, thus saving learning time.

5. Make communication a priority

Communication with your students and their parents is an important part of effective teaching and classroom management. Not everyone is comfortable raising issues in front of everyone, and it may be inappropriate to do so at times, so let the class know of where and when you are available to be approached quietly after the lesson. Furthermore, not all students communicate best verbally or in person, so offer other methods of communication. They may find your work email address or a professional Twitter account convenient to them. A suggestion box where students can leave notes anonymously may also make them feel more at ease.

When it comes to school work, consider setting up a website or wiki so that students can easily catch up on things they may have missed or forgotten. This also allows parents to check in on what their children are learning.

Ringing home with positive news, rather than only when there is a problem, reinforces a good relationship with your students’ parents. If something negative needs to be addressed, include a positive first before calmly bringing up the other point. Encourage parents to get in touch with you with any concerns they may have. Consider having business cards on display at parent nights

Saturday 28 November 2015

Pedagogy vs Androgogy


In the traditional sense of the word, pedagogy is authority-focused  in that a teacher has complete  control over a child's learning experience. The teaching methods employed in pedagogy are very much about transferring foundation knowledge. It is a formal process, and usually grades are given much more important.

Pedagogy is the methods and practice used in teaching, especially of children. its focus on transferring knowledge to a student who is dependent on the teacher’s methods and understanding. Teacher controls the learning experience for children. Teacher controls the learning experience for children, and much of what is taught is based on rigid curricula. Focus are given on grades.


Meanwhile, andragogy is focused on the learning experience of adults and which methods work best in adult education. It is much more self-directed, in that adults must often set their own schedules for learning and be motivated to commit to study or practice. Adult education is also often cooperative, in that adults tend to work together and review each other's work and understanding of a subject.

Andragogy is the methods and practice used in teaching adults. Students are independent, self-directed and cooperative learning among adults. Adults have control over much of their learning experience and must be motivated to learn. Can often seek out new learning experience. Focus on andragogy learning is low.


Five Androgogy vs Pedagogy




-          Authority orientated
-          Judgemental
-          Formal
-          Competitive

-          Relaxed
-          Mutually respectful
-          Informal


-          Done by teacher
-          Little input from learner

-          Collaborative planning
-          Teacher become facilitator

Diagnosis of Needs

-          Teacher determines what is to be learned.

-          Teacher determines the level of learning.

-          Need is diagnosis by mutual assessment.

-          Teacher and learner collaborate.

Setting of Objectives

-          The teacher sets the objectives.

-          The teacher and learner set objective by mutual negotiation.

Designing Learning Planning

-          Teacher sets content plan by subject

-          Sequence determine by subject.

-          Learning project
-          Problem solving is key
-          Sequenced by readiness to learn.

Learning Activities

-          Transmittal technique
-          Assigned reading
-          Traditional didactic approach

-          Inquiry project
-          Independent study
-          Experimental technique


-          By teacher
-          By grades
-          Norm-referenced

-          By learner
-          Collected evidence validated by peers

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Teaching Learning Style

Teaching Learning Style

The constructivism is John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Maria Montessory and Lev Vygotsky.

John Dewey – (democracy, moral education, character education and student center learning).

Jean Piaget- (Pre-operation stage, concrete operation stage, formal operation stage and Meta cognitive).

A learning theory of education philosophy that many educator began to consider in the 1990s.

Student’s require to



 Use their prior knowledge and experience to formulated new or adaptive concept in learning.

Teacher= facilitator (Provide guidelines).

Learners = construct their own knowledges.

Enables student to acquire information readily understood or usable.

· Active learning

·Authentic & situated learning.

· Bridging

· Scaffolding

· Communities of learners.

· Reflection of learning.

· Should be interesting and challenging.

Theory based Direct Instruction

 to help student learn academic content in the most straight forward way.

Master Teaching

Mastery Learning is an instructional strategy and educational 
philosophy, first formally proposed by Benjamin S. Bloom in 1968. 
Mastery Learning maintains that students must achieve a level of 
mastery in prerequisite knowledge before moving forward to learn 
subsequent information.

 If a student does not achieve mastery on the test, they are given 
additional support in learning and reviewing the information, then 
tested again. This cycle will continue until the learner accomplishes 
mastery, and may move on to the next stage.

Mastery learning methods suggest that the focus of instruction 
should be the time required for different students to learn the same 
material and achieve the same level of mastery.

Mastery Teaching

Direct Instruction System for Teaching & Learning (DISTAR).

·     Getting student to learn
(make sure student learn)

·     Input and Modelling
(Knowledges, demonstration and new information.)

·     Checking understand
( asking by question)

·      Guidance practice

·      For slow learners and special needs student.

·      Find out what student need to know to succeed in school.

·      Teach to them following principle learning theory.

·      Every student is not left behind.