Saturday, 28 November 2015

Pedagogy vs Androgogy


In the traditional sense of the word, pedagogy is authority-focused  in that a teacher has complete  control over a child's learning experience. The teaching methods employed in pedagogy are very much about transferring foundation knowledge. It is a formal process, and usually grades are given much more important.

Pedagogy is the methods and practice used in teaching, especially of children. its focus on transferring knowledge to a student who is dependent on the teacher’s methods and understanding. Teacher controls the learning experience for children. Teacher controls the learning experience for children, and much of what is taught is based on rigid curricula. Focus are given on grades.


Meanwhile, andragogy is focused on the learning experience of adults and which methods work best in adult education. It is much more self-directed, in that adults must often set their own schedules for learning and be motivated to commit to study or practice. Adult education is also often cooperative, in that adults tend to work together and review each other's work and understanding of a subject.

Andragogy is the methods and practice used in teaching adults. Students are independent, self-directed and cooperative learning among adults. Adults have control over much of their learning experience and must be motivated to learn. Can often seek out new learning experience. Focus on andragogy learning is low.


Five Androgogy vs Pedagogy




-          Authority orientated
-          Judgemental
-          Formal
-          Competitive

-          Relaxed
-          Mutually respectful
-          Informal


-          Done by teacher
-          Little input from learner

-          Collaborative planning
-          Teacher become facilitator

Diagnosis of Needs

-          Teacher determines what is to be learned.

-          Teacher determines the level of learning.

-          Need is diagnosis by mutual assessment.

-          Teacher and learner collaborate.

Setting of Objectives

-          The teacher sets the objectives.

-          The teacher and learner set objective by mutual negotiation.

Designing Learning Planning

-          Teacher sets content plan by subject

-          Sequence determine by subject.

-          Learning project
-          Problem solving is key
-          Sequenced by readiness to learn.

Learning Activities

-          Transmittal technique
-          Assigned reading
-          Traditional didactic approach

-          Inquiry project
-          Independent study
-          Experimental technique


-          By teacher
-          By grades
-          Norm-referenced

-          By learner
-          Collected evidence validated by peers

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