Wednesday 25 November 2015

Teaching Learning Style

Teaching Learning Style

The constructivism is John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Maria Montessory and Lev Vygotsky.

John Dewey – (democracy, moral education, character education and student center learning).

Jean Piaget- (Pre-operation stage, concrete operation stage, formal operation stage and Meta cognitive).

A learning theory of education philosophy that many educator began to consider in the 1990s.

Student’s require to



 Use their prior knowledge and experience to formulated new or adaptive concept in learning.

Teacher= facilitator (Provide guidelines).

Learners = construct their own knowledges.

Enables student to acquire information readily understood or usable.

· Active learning

·Authentic & situated learning.

· Bridging

· Scaffolding

· Communities of learners.

· Reflection of learning.

· Should be interesting and challenging.

Theory based Direct Instruction

 to help student learn academic content in the most straight forward way.

Master Teaching

Mastery Learning is an instructional strategy and educational 
philosophy, first formally proposed by Benjamin S. Bloom in 1968. 
Mastery Learning maintains that students must achieve a level of 
mastery in prerequisite knowledge before moving forward to learn 
subsequent information.

 If a student does not achieve mastery on the test, they are given 
additional support in learning and reviewing the information, then 
tested again. This cycle will continue until the learner accomplishes 
mastery, and may move on to the next stage.

Mastery learning methods suggest that the focus of instruction 
should be the time required for different students to learn the same 
material and achieve the same level of mastery.

Mastery Teaching

Direct Instruction System for Teaching & Learning (DISTAR).

·     Getting student to learn
(make sure student learn)

·     Input and Modelling
(Knowledges, demonstration and new information.)

·     Checking understand
( asking by question)

·      Guidance practice

·      For slow learners and special needs student.

·      Find out what student need to know to succeed in school.

·      Teach to them following principle learning theory.

·      Every student is not left behind.

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